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    • 正在播放黄金浩劫正片
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    • 主演:Suzanne  Kevin    巴斯鲁藤  杰森·米勒  布里特·乔治  
    • 导演:David  
    • 分类:动作片
    • 地区:美国
    • 年份:2006 
    • 更新:2024-02-10 20:34
    • 简介:黄金浩劫是由David执导,Suzanne,Kevin,,巴斯鲁藤,杰森·米勒,布里特·乔治等人主演的,于2006年上映,该动作片讲述的是This is a budget action film. Some people seem to think that low budget means that bad acting and worse action scenes are excusable. Anyone whose seen a really good budget movie will know that there's really no excuse. All directors have to start somewhere of course, but this director wont be going anywhere, in my opinion.
      The acting in this film is truly awful. There's not much I can say to redeem it. The mood of the film flicks between over-serious and Benny hill trash comedy (an apparent attempt to reproduce the comedy style of some Japanese action films, which doesn't work). The car chase being a good example; what the hell is with the stupid music and unfunny attempts at comedy when the rest of the film is trying to be serious?!. It makes no sense and gives the feeling that the director was either high, a clueless student, or both. There are some hot babes in the film but nowhere near hot enough to make the bad acting bearable. Bas is a hero to any fighting fan but I'm afraid to say his appearance is so short I can't even recommend the film to his die-hard fans.
      A previous reviewer forgave this film's misgivings giving it 8 stars, and I can understand that there are times when budget movie-trash is sometimes a good laugh, but there are so many much better budget films than this that I can't find it in my heart to recommend it to anyone other than the directors mum.(《黄金浩劫》动作片于2024-02-10 20:34由星辰影院--观看免费好看的电视剧最新热播电影收集自网络发布。)



    This is a budget action film. Some people seem to think that low budget means that bad acting and worse action scenes are excusable. Anyone whose seen a really good budget movie will know that there's really no excuse. All directors have to start somewhere of course, but this director wont be going anywhere, in my opinion.
    The acting in this film is truly awful. There's not much I can say to redeem it. The mood of the film flicks between over-serious and Benny hill trash comedy (an apparent attempt to reproduce the comedy style of some Japanese action films, which doesn't work). The car chase being a good example; what the hell is with the stupid music and unfunny attempts at comedy when the rest of the film is trying to be serious?!. It makes no sense and gives the feeling that the director was either high, a clueless student, or both. There are some hot babes in the film but nowhere near hot enough to make the bad acting bearable. Bas is a hero to any fighting fan but I'm afraid to say his appearance is so short I can't even recommend the film to his die-hard fans.
    A previous reviewer forgave this film's misgivings giving it 8 stars, and I can understand that there are times when budget movie-trash is sometimes a good laugh, but there are so many much better budget films than this that I can't find it in my heart to recommend it to anyone other than the directors mum.
    欢迎在线观看电影《黄金浩劫》,本视频由星辰影院--观看免费好看的电视剧最新热播电影https://www.caec-usa.com收集自网络。 如果你喜欢《黄金浩劫》,请把它分享给的朋友,有您们的支持我们会做的更好。祝亲观影愉快!



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